Dry mead recipe

, 12 Feb 2025 /
A champagne glass with dry mead

A simple traditional dry mead recipe.

Equipment for making Mead.

Required equipment:

  • 4.5-5 l Demijohn x 2
  • 4.5-5 l stockpot
  • Hydrometer
  • Thermometer
  • Bung
  • Airlock
  • Funnel
  • Spoons
  • Siphon

I used yeast Lalvin ICV-D47 from Lallemand and vwp sterilizer.


  • 3,5 l Water
  • 1,2 kg Honey
  • 5 g Yeast


  1. Wash

    Wash the demijohn.

  2. Sterilize demijohn

    Demijohn with sterilize water.

    Fill the demijohn with water and sterilizer.

  3. Wait

    Wait 30 minutes.

  4. Wash stockpot

    Wash the stockpot.

  5. Sterilize stockpot

    Pour the sterilized water from the demijohn in the stockpot.

  6. Wash extra equipment.

    Wash a spoon, a funnel, a thermometer, a bung and an airlock.

  7. Sterilise equipment

    Sterilizing equipment

    Put the equipment in the stockpot with the sterilized water.

  8. Wait

    Wait 10 minutes and rinse the equipment thoroughly and put them in a dish rack.

  9. Dissolve honey

    Mead must in a stockpot.

    Dissolve the honey with 2,5 l new fresh spring water in the stockpot. If nessesary heat the water to a max ~32°C to dissolve the honey completely.

  10. Measure the gravity.

    Gravity reading of a hydrometer..

    Measure the gravity with a hydrometer.

  11. Fill up with water

    Fill up with water to desired amount of must.

  12. Fill the first demijohn

    Pour the honey water mix in to the first demijohn.

  13. Add the yeast

    Pour the yeast in the demijohn and put on the bung with airlock.

  14. Fermentation

    Let it ferment for at least 3 weeks.

  15. Measure the gravity.

    Measure the gravity with a hydrometer.

  16. Clean and sterilize

    Demijohn with sterilize water.

    Clean and sterilize the second demijohn.

  17. Secondary demijohn

    A demijohn of glass fermenting mead.

    Rack to second demijohn

  18. Rest

    Let it rest for at least 3 weeks.

  19. Measure the gravity.

    Measure the gravity with a hydrometer.

  20. Clean and sterilize

    Clean and sterilize the first demijohn.

  21. Back to first demijohn

    Rack back to the first demijohn

  22. Rest

    Let it rest for at least 3 weeks.

  23. Enjoy.

    Close up of three brown glass bottles.

    Transfer into bottles. Drink, enjoy and scold in the company of good friends!


To calculate the ABV you can use the formula:
(OG - FG) / 7.5 = ABV
OG : Original °Öchsle
FG : Final °Öchsle

After 4 weeks of fermentation my result: (85 - 0) / 7.5 = 11,333 ABV

Or this formula:

(OG - FG) x 131 = ABV

OG : Original Gravity

FG : Final Gravity

After 4 weeks of fermentation my result: (1.085 - 1.000) x 131 = 11,135 ≃ 11 ABV

04-02-24 Prime fermentation
06-02-24 Swirl and added nutrients
08-02-24 Swirl and added nutrients
15-02-24 Swirl
22-02-24 Swirl and added nutrients
25-02-24 Second demijohn
19-03-24 Back to first demijohn
06-04-24 Bottled